eCampus Multimedia Team
Hello [faculty developerProfessor],
I'm [nameName], the Multimedia Developer (MMD) assigned to help you with [course your online course design project, [Course ###].
Whether you need to create voiceovers for a slide deck, or an immersive experience for your students, we have the tools and expertise to enhance your course for a more impactful learning experience.
Here are a few guiding questions for you to help plan media development for your course:
What are your course’s “big ideas”?
Which learning outcomes or topics do students tend to struggle with most?
Our Multimedia team can help you develop custom video, images, animations, and interactives and incorporate them into your course to enhance the learning process.
We'll be meeting soon! In the meantime, here are some questions to identify where we might be able to help:
What are you having trouble communicating to students?
What are your students struggling with?
What concepts are difficult to convey or understand?
Here are some useful links to media resources and an overview of what our team does:
Multimedia Team Portfolio
Creating Multimedia How Tos and Best Practices
Panopto Video Guides
I look forward to working with you this semester!