Created for Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL)
Course: Principles of Adult Learning
Instructor: Seth Martinez (narrator)
Multimedia Developer(s): Arlie Sommer (Production lead)
Chris Dahrens (3D animator), Beth Schneiderman (Editing and GFX)
https://boisestate.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=67ff7f18-e0fa-428e-8284-af8f0129be78Created for Advanced Medical Imaging (AMI)
Course: Principles of MRI I
Created for Genetic Counseling
Course: Intro to Clinical Embryology (GENCOUN 497)
Multimedia Developer: Dan Rogers
Total Development Time: 80 hrs.
Created for eCampus Center’s Faculty Development Workshops
Title: Building A House
Course: Introduction to Online Course Design
Instructor: Gina Persichini (narrator), Brian Martin
MM Team: Arlie Sommer (lead), Dan Rogers (animator)
Total Development Time: 20hrs
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Title: Spatial Localization Animation
Course: AMI 442/443 - Principles of MRI III and IV
Software: Adobe After Effects
Faculty Developer: Monica Breedlove
Multimedia Developer: Daniel Rogers
Total Development Time: 20hrs
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Title: How MRI Gradient Coils Affects Hydrogen Nuclei
Course: AMI 442/443 - Principles of MRI III and IV
Software: Autodesk 3DS Max, Adobe After Effects
Faculty Developer: Monica Breedlove
Multimedia Developer: Dan Daniel Rogers
Total Development Time: 20 hrs.15hrs
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Title: Components of an MRI Showing Electron Current in Each Coil
Course: AMI 442/443 - Principles of MRI III and IV
Software: Autodesk 3DS Max, Adobe After Effects
Faculty Developer: Monica Breedlove
Multimedia Developer: Daniel Rogers
Total Development Time: 20hrs