eCampus Video (shared) Adobe Library MMD: Lane Donovan
Program Contact: Ally Daniels
About OMBA
OMBA Course Descriptions
Media Assets
Video Files://cifs-prd-01/eCampusVideo/Courses/OMBA
Bumper://cifs-prd-01/eCampusVideo/Courses/OMBA/_Program Assets/Bumper
Media Examples
Title: Course Introduction
Course: OMBA - Ben Quintana’s course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Leadership Video
Course: OMBA - Brian O’Marrow's course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Week 2 - Overview
Course: OMBA - Christ Suciu's course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Week 7 Wrap-Up Video
Course: OMBA - Nicole Cundiff's course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
Title: Lower Thirds
Location: eCampus Video (shared)
To find callouts for OMBA, open the library panel in Premiere Pro, and browse through the OMBA library to locate the specific graphic you are looking for under the group “Motion graphics templates”.
To find transitions and lower thirds for OMBA, open the library panel in open the library panel in Premiere Pro, and browse through the eCampus Video (shared) library to locate the specific graphic you are looking for under the group “Motion graphics templates”.
Make sure any graphics you use follow:
Callouts are usually saved as graphics or text, so you can quickly drag and drop them into your videos whenever you need them. You can search for specific callouts, or scroll through the libraries to find the one that fits.
The shared library is a great way to stay organized, save time, and create a cohesive project for the team to share assets across multiple projects.
Lower Thirds
Module Breakdown
Transition into b-roll
Transition out of b-roll
> L3_RS_Extreme
Media Type: Callout motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Module Breakdown
Location: OMBA > Module 1 Animation, through Module 4 Animation
Media Type: Callout motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Quotation
Location: OMBA > Quotation Animation
Media Type: Callout motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Transition into b-roll
Location: eCampus video (shared) > Trans_DiagLineWipe_TwoColor-Blue
Media Type: Transitional motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Course Introduction Example 3
Location: eCampus video (shared) > Trans_Circle_2Color-Blue_1sec
Media Type: Transitional motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Assignments
Location: OMBA > List Animation
Media Type: Text motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan