MMD: Arlie Sommer
Program Contact: Lisa Brady
College: College of Arts and Sciences
Department: History
Canvas: Canvas Link
Media Overview
This is a program with only a course banner, below. No other assets have been made for this unsupported program.
Program Docs
Media Assets
Banners + Course CardsPonopto Folder
Video Files: eCampusVideo / Courses / HIST
Bumper: [Server location] eCampusVideo/Courses/HIST/HIST 100
The eCampus Video server has eight maps of countries, downloaded for HIST 100
Banner + Course Cards
HIST 102 Themes In World History Banner 1394 x 214 px
[insert course card example]
Label with course number and course title below (should be from the same course as the banner).
[insert bumper panopto video link]
Media Examples
[videos, graphics, interactives, etc]
Title: [video or graphic title]
Course: [course number and title]
Media Type: [in-studio recorded video, infographic, interactive]
Multimedia Developer: