Dept. Chair: Sin Ming Loo
College: College of Engineering
Department: Cyber Operations and Resilience Program
Assigned MMD: Daniel Rogers
About CORe
Undergraduate Course Descriptions
Graduate Course Descriptions
Adobe CC Folder
CDD Projects Folder
Creative Cloud Files > Banners > CORe
Keep design consistent. Just edit the course title.
Course Cards
Creative Cloud Files > Course Cards > CORe
Use CORe Course Card.jpg as the course card for all CORe courses going forward.
Creative Cloud Files > Bumpers > CORe
Use this consistent bumper animation at beginning and end of videos.
Edit as Follows
Open “CORe 579 bumper.aep” in After Effects
Update Text
Update course number in Composition Name “CORe 579 Bumper”
Update course number in “title 001”
Update course title in “title 002”
Update Lens Flare Center
“CORe 579 Bumper” (composition) >
Layer 1 > Effects > Lens Flare > Flare Center: Adjust at both keyframes to line up with upper left corner of course number.
Layer 2 > Effects > Lens Flare > Flare Center: Adjust to line up with upper right corner of course title.
Composition Settings > Composition Name: Update course number
Render with Media Encoder.
+ > After Effects file, e.g., “CORe 579 bumper.aep” > comps > “CORe 579 Bumper” > open
Make sure it’s saving to the correct location and hit play (Start Queue)
Example: CORe 579 Bumper
Videos program folder
Introduction Videos Required
For each CORe course, they require a course overview video and a module introduction video for each module.
For introduction videos, please stick to the following video title convention (as instructed by the program chair). No specific descriptions of the content. No leading zeros. Just stick to “Course Overview Video” and “Module # Introduction Video”.
Course Overview Video
Module 1 Introduction Video
Module 2 Introduction Video
Faculty Developer Eric Puype teaches courses concerning Cyber Law. He prefers to film introduction videos at Yanke with our help, teleprompter, and equipment. e.g., CORe 571 Team Project
Most other Faculty Developers have been recording introduction videos at home.