Some people call them video bumpers, other video intros, or you might have heard of a video outro. Basically, we’re talking about the 5-10 second branded clip at the start or end of a video. Check out any great YouTube channel and you’ll notice these at the start or end of each video. Boise State is no exception.
Best Practices
Use brand standards (see /wiki/spaces/EKB/pages/593756161 )
Should be cohesive with banner style and other chosen graphic elements across the program
Add only to the end of videos
Keep generic for using across multiple courses
can use college, department or program branding for identity if desired
Creating Thumbs and Using Bumpers in Panopto
This video will walk you through how we create and add bumpers and thumbs to course videos.
Boise State Bumper
For faculty-created videos here is the Boise State bumper that can be added.