Synchronous (real-time) sessions can inspire trepidation among even the most confident of instructors. Below are some tips and links to additional resources to help keep students engaged in content and to create regular interaction that gauges student understanding. The information here was originally inspired by information shared in COVID-19 faculty support sessions by Boise State’s Center for Teaching and Learning.

How to Host Engaging Synchronous Sessions

To retain the attention of learners, it is recommended that lectures be broken up into sections allowing for a change or interaction periodically. Doing so also provides the opportunity to reinforce learning and introduce brief interactions for formative assessment. A variety of ideas to achieve both of these during a synchronous session can be found below.

Facilitate Your Session

As an instructor, the synchronous session may be facilitated in much the same way a live classroom is facilitated. There is the presenter, the participants, a lesson plan or agenda, and interaction. What is different are the tools in which the communication of ideas takes place. Some online classroom facilitation approaches include:

Break up lectures and presentations with interaction

Think-Pair-Share or Small Group Discussions 


Sorting and Collaborative Activities

A whiteboard, like Miro or the whiteboard tool in Zoom, can be used to share a visual of a process, equation, or function similar to how one might do it in a face-to-face environment.

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