Course Design Maps are used in the design and development of online courses with Boise State’s eCampus Center. The information below is meant to support instructors who would like to use the Course Design Map to plan online course content.


The purpose of a course design map is to help you plan the alignment and scaffolding of activities and assessments. A completed course design map provides an overview of the specific content, activities, and assessments planned for each module of your course. Creating a course design map helps to:

How to Develop a Course Design Map

It is recommended to use a table or spreadsheet to map out a course, but you may prefer to explore other formats with your courses. The order in which you identify the different components of your course may vary. Please consider these steps as a suggestion for approaching your course design map.

  1. Create a table with multiple rows and columns. Include these column headings:

  2. In the first column labeled Module or Week, list the course Module number.

  3. In the second column, identify the topic or content focus for each of the weeks. You may want to refer to your Course Diagram and Sequence of Topics or your Weekly Course Pattern as you map out the content and continue through the following steps.

  4. Begin to enter information in each of the columns, sorting content and assignments among the weeks. 

  5. Review and Edit. With all the pieces identified and mapped out, review the content with the following questions in mind. Revise and rework the content until you are satisfied with the results.


The table below illustrates just one way to convey this information. Adapt a table as needed for your planning needs.





Instruction Materials

Discussion Forum


Work on Final Project


Overview and History

1, 2

Identify terms...

Article by Smith et al

Introductions and opinions on article.

Introduce Project


Innovative Business

1, 2

Explain ...

Ch 1-3

Use Discussion prompt from Chap 2

Background on business you respect

Pick topics



1, 2, 3

Analyze ...

Ch 4-5 and article

Drafts of project ideas with peer feedback

Build on Wk 2, identify and research 1 competitor of the Wk 2 business profiled

Reminder: Begin proposal, due next week. Draft will become part of final submission after faculty feedback & then edits.


Proposals and Competitors

2, 4

Create ...

Ch 6-7

Discussion prompt from Chap 7

Submit draft business proposal


Project Planning

2, 3


Ch 8

Post drafts, peer feedback

Article summary

Draft Project plan due to Disc Board for peer feedback. Final revised project plan to be included in Final Submission.


Managing Teams

3, 4


Ch 11

Discussion about managing upward

Analysis of case study from Chap 11

Reminder: final projects due next week.


Showcase Week

1, 2, 3, 4


Ch 9

Debrief of project plan results.

Written presentation due early in week. Presentations due mid-week.
Student peer feedback/support by the last day of week.