Interactive 3D Viewer
Our Interactive 3D Viewer allows students to explore models, environments or animations in 3D virtual space within their Canvas course.
The models and environment are customizable.
It allows students to pan, zoom and rotate the model / scene / animation in any direction using their mouse.
Rotate: left click and drag
Zoom: scroll click and drag up and down… or use scroll wheel
Pan: right click and drag
Interactive 3D viewers embedded in Canvas (Multimedia Team Canvas / Sandbox)
Potential Applications
Anatomy Review
worked with Michail Rudyi <> to setup server
3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64 GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)
eCampus server reboots monthly in early hours on a Friday (worked with Grayson Walker <>)
Linux Commands
You will need to use Linux Commands to navigate, upload files, view files, etc. on the server. Some common commands are as follows…
where am I?: pwd
list files (list storage): ls
navigate to root directory: cd
navigate to parent directory: cd ..
navigate to a specific directory: cd /folder/folder
navigate to eCampus interactive 3D viewer directory: cd /var/www/html/threejs/examples
make new directory: mkdir FolderName
remove file: rm filename.ext
copy file: cp FileNameToCopy.txt newFileName.txt
move file to parent folder: mv testfile.txt ..
To upload a file to the server, you must first connect to the VPN, then scp the file to your profile on the server. Then sudo copy the file from your profile to the appropriate directory on the server. (see steps below)
Use GlobalProtect to connect to VPN for download links and instructions
Start > All Programs > Palo Alto Networks > GlobalProtect >
Portal address:
Enter Boise State username and password, confirm via Duo, and leave Welcome window open.
SCP (secure copy) files to your profile on the server
Copy file(s) you’d like to upload to your desktop
Open shell window: Start > search > type “shell” > click “Command Prompt App”
type "scp" followed by a space
copy and paste file location
Add slash \
copy and paste filename
add a space and type the address of your profile on the server:
final command should look something like this:
scp C:\Users\YourUserName\Desktop\FileName.html enter
when prompted, enter password
(note: If it doesn’t work, make sure you didn’t make any typos, and make sure you're still connected to the VPN via GlobalProtect. Sometimes it randomly kicks you off.)
Connect to Server
Open PuTTY on a Windows Machine, to connect with server.
To install PuTTY, visit > PuTTY > PuTTY
port 22
When a secure SSH connection is established, a new shell session will start. Then you can manipulate the server by typing Linux commands.
username: Your Boise State username and password (If you need access let me know:
Type in your password and hit Enter. (You will not see what you're typing)
Important Directories on Server
Interactive 3D viewer html files: /var/www/html/threejs/examples
3D models: /var/www/html/threejs/examples/models
SUDO (Super User DO) copy file from your profile to the appropriate directory
Using the PuTTY shell session, use the following code to copy html files to the “examples” directory…
sudo cp FileName.html /var/www/html/threejs/examplesOr use the following code to copy models to the “models” directory…
sudo cp ModelFileName /var/www/html/threejs/examples/models
Test Interactive 3D Viewer
Open the following URL in your browser… (Replace “FileName.html” with the html file you’d like to test.)
Embed in Canvas using iframe
Side note: a webpage must be https to embed it into an https website. Fortunately, we have installed an SSL certificate for our server space, which grants html files within it https status, and allows them to be embedded into our https Canvas website.
Insert the following code into Canvas Course page:
<p><iframe src=" " width="1920" height="1080"></iframe>
Change dimensions proportionately for desired size...
<iframe src=" " width="958" height="563"></iframe>
Embed in a Confluence Article
insert > view more > (scroll down) > Iframe > paste URL, use dimensions 750 x 422