Email Templates (Media Inquiry)

Email Templates (Media Inquiry)

Multimedia Team email templates for service inquiries to Create a template in Gmail - Gmail Help.

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Caption Request

Fwd to ecampusvetting@boisestate.edu, CC: Requestor

Thank you for your inquiry:

We’ve forwarded you to our Copyright and Accessibility team who can further assist you with this request.


H5P Help

Fwd to Lane Donovan, CC: Requestor


I received your inquiry about H5P and wanted to provide you with some helpful resources:

We’re happy to meet with you online to answer any additional questions.



Interactive Content Inquiry

Fwd to Lane Donovan, CC: Requestor

Hi [Name],

Thank you for reaching out about creating interactive content for your course.

  1. Here are Interactive Examples from our team portfolio

  2. For faculty who want to develop their own interactives, H5P is a great tool.
    See H5P: Interactive Multimedia in Canvas for more information.

I'm happy to meet with you online to answer any additional questions.



PowerPoint Recordings


We recommend recording PowerPoint presentations with Panopto using your Boise State credentials. Once you’ve logged into Panopto, see Recording Presentations for how best to record. If you’re in the Boise area, we welcome you to schedule time to use our studio to record this

I'm happy to meet with you online to answer any additional questions.



Unable To Help


Thank you for your project request! Unfortunately, we’re busy working on other projects this semester and won’t be able to help at this time.

We recommend looking through the following helpful resources:

If you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

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