Graphic Design
Rulers, Grids and Guides
How to use Rulers, Grids and Guides in Adobe
Take a look at the following 2 banners using the same template below. Notice any differences?
Let’s add some blue guide lines to help. See anything now?
Using guide lines helps define equal spacing, sizing and alignment of objects
Let’s compare the Boise State logo in both banners
You can see the logo on bottom is larger
Both logos should fit within the boxes created, providing equal size and space on all 4 sides
Now let’s look at the left boxes
Since ‘ART 100’ contains more characters than ‘ODP’ its okay for their widths to differ
font size for these should stay the same
The title, ‘INTRODUCTION TO ART,’ is only 3 words and therefore 1 line
adjusting font size to span the width of the orange box, gives us a properly aligned text block
The ‘ODP’ banner title is 6 words and therefore 2 lines
adjusting font size to span the width of the orange box, gives us a properly aligned text block
even spacing between ‘ODP’, the orange line, ‘ONLINE DEGREE PATHWAY’, and ‘PROGRAM RESOURCE SITE’ provides balance to the text block
the use of Bold for ‘ODP’ and ‘PROGRAM RESOURCE SITE’ helps tie these 2 elements together while ‘ONLINE DEGREE PATHWAY’ uses a lighter treatment to understate the fact that this is what ODP stands for—like using parentheses without having to use them
since the title is 2 lines it makes sense that text block would be slightly taller
By using rulers and guides in your designs, you’ll end up with more professional looking graphics!
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