H5P: Interactive Media in Canvas (LD Version)

H5P: Interactive Media in Canvas (LD Version)

H5P is currently not a Boise State supported tool and does not sync with Canvas grade books

H5P offers an easy way to create interactive multimedia content that can be embedded in Canvas or other LMS pages. This page walks you through the steps to create H5P content using Pressbooks.

H5P Examples and Downloads


Creating H5P content in Pressbooks

If you are new to Pressbooks and want to learn more visit https://boisestate.pressbooks.pub/ .

Step 1: Log into Pressbooks

Step 2: Create a book for your H5P content

It is recommended you create a separate book for each of your courses to manage H5P content. If you’ve already created a book, click My Catalog under Dashboard, left-hand nav to choose where you want to add your H5P content.

To create a new Pressbook

  1. Click Admin

  2. Click Create a New Book

  3. Fill out the form and click Create Book

Step 3: Create Interactive Content with H5P

Step 4: Embedding H5P In CanvasUNDEFINED

Additional Resources

Multimedia Team PortfolioUNDEFINED
View H5P activities created by the eCampus Multimedia Team under the ‘Interactives’ tab

Content types recommendations
Understand which content types aren’t accessible, maintained, or browser-supported

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