WildFire Research

WildFire Research

I want to help to mitigate the ongoing summer fire issues plaguing the Pacific Northwest. Is it a plague? Maybe fires are needed, but how can they be handled in a healthier way?


https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/ - scroll in and you can see the perimeters of the fires (Amy V)

Treasure Valley Weather HQ on Facebook & Instagram

Based in Boise https://www.nifc.gov/ - NIFC (pronounced Nif-Cee) is the National Interagency Fire Center (Michael K and Amy V)


AirNow Fire and Smoke Map - this seems really good (Lane Donovan)

Boise State Online Courses

I worked on this course a long while back that had a unit on fire. It was a 5-week course with 3 main units: 1. The Potato 2. Wildland Fire and Invasive Species (I recall cheatgrass being a topic), and 3. Urban Remediation. (Gina P)


Raw Feedback Gathered

Ongoing research on the impact of smoke on indoor air quality in Bend which should have some really interesting data by the end of fire season. Official fire and smoke data is generally handled through the Forest Service and EPA. The National Interagency Fire Center (HQ'd here in Boise!) posts current fire data on InciWeb at https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/ and they have more data and resources posted at https://www.wildfire.gov/ if you want to check out fire data. Smoke (Anita Lee)



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