MMD: Arlie Sommer
Canvas: ACCT courses
Media Overview
Video Files: //cifs-prd-01/eCampusVideo/Courses/ACCT/ACCT #/Final Videos
Bumper: //cifs-prd-01/eCampusVideo/Courses/ACCT/ACCT #/Bumpers
Banners + Course Cards
ACCT 205 Introduction to Financial Accounting banner, 968 x 166px
ACCT 205 Introduction to Financial Accounting course card,1048 x 584px
Bumper E8-56
Course: ACCT 304/500 Intermediate Accounting I
Description: Khan Style video using Zoom and iPad
Recommendations: Using external mic could improve audio quality, Remove timestamp
Title: Practice Problem 17B
Course: ACCT 306/501 Intermediate Accounting I
Description: Whiteboard Video recorded in ES Conference Room 402
Multimedia Developer: Beth Schneiderman
Recommendations: Improve lighting, color correction
Title: Inventory, Periodic Demonstration
Course: ACCT 304/500 Intermediate Accounting I
Description: Self-recorded classroom lecture