Folder Share Settings
All folders we create in Panopto (including the "Course Videos", program folders, course folders, and module folders) must be set to not inherit permissions, and set to allow only specific people and groups. If this is not the case, please follow the steps below…
Open the folder in Panopto
Open the share settings
"People and groups: "Change" > "Keep 33 (number may vary) members as added users" checked, click "Stop Inheriting" (Once this is set correctly, you will see the “inherit from parent folder” link)
Near the bottom of the share settings, set "Who can access this folder" to "only specific people and groups"
This is important for two reasons
It enables us to add more users to the current user list using the text field at the top.
If someone messes with the permissions of a parent folder, it won’t mess up the settings of this folder.
Video Share Settings
Once folder settings are correct, we must open the share settings for each video. Near the bottom of the share settings, "Who can access this video" must be set to "Anyone who has the link". This will prevent any student access difficulties.