All H5P content is now kept on the eCampusvideo Pressbooks account using “Books” for each course. Using books allows us to keep each course's H5P content better organized and separate from other course interactives, making sharing access with instructors easier to manage.
See H5P: Interactive Multimedia in Canvas for setting up H5P in Pressbooks.
Resources Download the free desktop app to easily reuse and edit H5P modules.
Shared Pressbook Examples
Media Team Examples
360 Interactive
eCampus H5P - Petting Zoo Dashboard (OLD Location, DO NOT use for new interactives)
eCampusvideo Pressbooks <--- Where to create new H5P interactives
H5P: Interactive Multimedia in Canvas <---- Follow these steps using our eCampusvideo account
Multimedia Team Sandbox | Interactives <---- Examples of our work in Canvas