The Creative Brief is integrated into the Blueprint towards the end and is bottom of each Course Blueprint and used to keep track of any multimedia deliverables the media team is working on for each course. Instructors and multimedia developers (MMDs) can work with the Creative Brief directly utilizing an eCampus Center Multimedia Developer. The Creative Brief allows project team members to more easily and efficiently communicate information specific to multimedia for courses, defining the what, where, and when on any items MMDs are helping with. It is also a useful reference for future requests.
A clean version of Template Blueprint with Creative Brief built inside the Blueprint
Example of the Blueprint with Creative Brief/Blueprint in use with content, links, comments, etc.
Benefits of the Creative Brief in the Blueprint
Easier communication for all parties involvedand search functionality
Succinct record of expectations
List of all course media deliverables in one location
No need to create a new Creative Brief for each course since it’s already integrated in the Blueprint
Being integrated in the Blueprint allows you to easily jump between Multimedia Team Specific content, and back to the main course content from the same place
Reference for One location for all Multimedia Team deliverables
Answers to questions like:
What should the title of videos be and where do they belong in the course? I had media items created for a course X years ago, can you help locate them for a new course?
Where are the Panopto final links to this course and are they ready for course?
How many media assets were created for a course and how long did it takeWhat is/did the Multimedia Team work on for this course?
Creative Brief and the Blueprint
MMDs primarily and instructors will be the ones providing information in this documentsection. Other Development Team members will also be able to access and contribute as needed.
Working in the Creative Brief?
Info |
Only media items requiring MMD help should be added to Creative Brief |
MMD will meet with IDC and Instructor early in the development process to clarify expectations and define multimedia deliverables needing help and MMD will add those to the Creative Brief along with meeting notes, deadlines a
Creative Brief and the Blueprint