As of July 2022, Creative Briefs have been added to the bottom of Course Design and Development (CDD) Blueprints. MMDs will tag items in the Creative Brief when any actions are required of any team members.
Blueprint / Creative Brief Template
Example Creative Brief
IDC, MMD and Instructor must first meet early in the development process (week 3 4 or sooner) to clarify expectations, explain what is possible, and establish multimedia deliverables for the course.
IDCs should invite assigned MMD to this meeting. Assigned MMDs can be found under the ‘Task Info’ tab of Quickbase projects. If no one is assigned you can reference https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TZ__q6umnEjGrCvd0QeJ_zLOBsc5PWtThxzFhYbvATY/edit#gid=1073895531 or email ecampusvideo@boisestate.edu to establish one.
Media Milestones
MMDs update/review this section with the Instructor and IDC in their first scoping meeting (week 4 or sooner) to establish dates, deadlines, and milestones for media content in the course. Items will be checked off by MMD as they occur.
See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18_AweHKqERtDQD6nH9kULIaJ5_kKgPSbYycQKJGNvbU/edit#gid=1859112716 CDD Timeline or CDD Google Calendar for important milestone dates to know each cycle dates.
Media Deliverables
Note |
Only media items requiring MMD help should be added to the Creative Brief |
MMDs add any deliverables agreed upon with
the Instructor in meeting by week 4
All deliverables should include a proper Title,
Media Links From Instructors, Course Location, and Notes that will help define what the deliverable is to include
Once deliverable items have been established
, faculty can update
titles, original content links,
locations, or notes
MMD will add a Final Media Link for each deliverable and tag
IDC and Instructor when ready for
Once instructor There may be cases when links can be created and built in the course prior to being finalized with the Instructor. The Asset Finalized box will be checked when deliverables are officially completed by MMD.
Blueprint Tips and Tricks
Use Google Docs outline and linking features when working on media content in the Blueprint. This will make life easier for you and your project team.