The following are canned email templates for responses to common situations. Learn how to create email templates using Gmail on your own. Be sure to remove your signature from the bottom emails before saving templates, this avoids duplicate signatures.
Intro To Pressbooks - LTS article on Pressbooks
H5P with Pressbooks - eCampus article on setting up H5P with Pressbooks
Pressbooks article on using H5P - Boise State Pressbooks article on using H5P
eCampus Multimedia Sandbox - H5P examples we've created (accept invite in Canvas dashboard) <--- must add email recipient to canvas course
Additionally, a webinar is in the works on H5P for Faculty Development through eCampus this year so stay tuned on that. The university (LTS) is also looking into making H5P a university-supported tool outside of Pressbooks this year as well.
My name is [YOUR NAME] and I'm reaching out regarding [CANDIDATE NAME] who applied for the Multimedia Developer position with Boise State University. [CANDIDATE FIRST NAME] listed you as a reference and I'm hoping for a few minutes of your time to verify some information. Feel free to use this link ← [YOUR CALENDAR LINK] to find a time that works best for both of us. Your time is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
MMD Student Interview (Calendar Event)
Ron and Linda Family Research Park
Room: [Conference Room]
This will be an informal interview for [STUDENT FIRST NAME] to share portfolio materials, let us get to know one another better and answer any questions.
Student Portfolio Presentation (10-15 mins)
Q&A (10-15 mins)
Additional time if needed
Lane and [STUDENT FIRST NAME] to meet in the main entrance lobby. Visitor parking spaces are available if needed. The meeting will be held in conference room 401.
For Help
Lane's Cell: 480.842.1528
[attach application materials]