The following article contains information on Multimedia Team emails, canned email templates for responses to common situations, and Gmelius—an add-on tool we use for Gmail.
Each week starting Monday, a specific MM team member is assigned the task of managing emails sent to our eCampusVideo account. The person assigned is indicated in the eCampus Video Google Calendar. The process for managing emails is as follows…
With Gmelius installed, login First make sure you’ve installed the “Gmelius for Gmail” extension in Chrome.
Also make sure you've logged in to Gemlius using your Google account.
Login to your Gmail account.
To manage Manage emails using the kanban Kanban interface , navigate by navigating to…
Ecampusvideo > Board view
and Boards > MM Emails
Intro To Pressbooks - LTS article on Pressbooks
H5P with Pressbooks - eCampus article on setting up H5P with Pressbooks
Pressbooks article on using H5P - Boise State Pressbooks article on using H5P
eCampus Multimedia Sandbox - H5P examples we've created (accept invite in Canvas dashboard) <--- must add email recipient to canvas course
Additionally, a webinar is in the works on H5P for Faculty Development through eCampus this year so stay tuned on that. The university (LTS) is also looking into making H5P a university-supported tool outside of Pressbooks this year as well.