The A Creative Brief is a document used used by Multimedia Developers (MMD) to keep track of multimedia deliverables they are working on for each course. Instructors and multimedia developers can work with this document directly a course. This allows project team members to more easily and efficiently communicate information specific to multimedia for their course, giving a complete picture of media assets that the Multimedia Team is assisting with, outlining exactly what needs to be done and when. This document also helps us better estimate overall time needed for the course media.
Who Uses the Creative Brief?
Instructors and Multimedia Developers primarily will be the ones providing the information in this document. IDCs and Development Team members will also be able to access and contribute as needed.
Benefits of the Creative Brief
make communication surrounding multimedia easier for all parties involved
a complete list of media deliverables in one location
accessible by any team in the course design-build process
allows course teams to have a succinct record of expectations
quickly see and agree on aspects of media deliverables and timelines
For example, the titles and locations of videos in courses frequently cause confusion for course design teams. We will use this document to list out all video titles, agreeing to the number of videos and the topics covered. The list format allows everyone on the team to quickly reference the Panopto Links of each video and the agreed-upon video title. If there are many videos, this list allows us to quickly decipher the locations of each asset within the course, ensuring we don’t duplicate content and reducing mistakes and extra work.
How the Creative Brief Relates to the Blueprint
The Creative Brief allows the Multimedia Team to focus their time and attention on the specific aspects of the course for which they are responsible, the media asset development. Once the IDC and faculty of a course decide on where each media asset will live in Canvas and communicates that information to the multimedia developer (MMD), the MMD can then add video links to the Blueprint if the IDC wishes, however we often have Panopto links for videos ready before a course location for the video assets are decided on by the faculty and MMD, so this allows MMDs to communicate that information when it is available.
Creative Brief Example
The following Creative Brief was used by Arlie Sommer and Hans Aagard to track multimedia assets for a Philosophy Course. Please refer to this document to see a Creative Brief in action.
Creative Brief Template
The following google doc is the template. This template lives in the TEMPLATE Course Development Projects folder, as of January 2022, used by the Multimedia Team to manage multimedia deliverables. An MMD will copy this template into a course and fill it out according to the individual course needs and details.
Course Creative Briefs can be found on Drive under CDD projects > Program > Course for every CDD project needing multimedia content for a course.
For non-CDD projects, create a new copy to use and share with course instructors and other project team members as needed.
the what, where, and when multimedia is being created for a course. Some courses may not utilize a multimedia developer and can be noted in the creative brief.
As of July 2022, Creative Briefs have been added to the bottom of Course Design and Development (CDD) Blueprints. MMDs will tag items in the Creative Brief when any actions are required of any team members.
Blueprint / Creative Brief Template
Working in the Creative Brief
IDC, MMD and Instructor must meet early in the development process (week 4 or sooner) to clarify expectations, explain Media capabilities, and establish multimedia deliverables for the course.
IDCs should invite assigned MMD to this meeting. Assigned MMDs can be found under the ‘Task Info’ tab of Quickbase projects. If no one is assigned you can reference or email to establish one.
Media Team Notes
MMDs update this section with meeting notes or info pertinent to building media for the course (e.g. meeting dates and notes, discussions, planned absences, etc).
Media Milestones
MMDs update/review this section with the Instructor and IDC in their media meeting (week 4 or sooner) to establish dates, deadlines, and milestones for media content in the course. Items will be checked off by MMD as they occur from week to week.
See CDD Timeline or CDD Google Calendar for milestone reference dates.
Media Deliverables
This section is used by MMD to document an itemized list of media deliverables to be worked on for a course. Only one deliverable per row. Items are not to be added without MMD approval.
Media Type
Select type of media for each deliverable from the dropdown list:
Graphic Design
Time Est. (hrs)
Estimated time in hours to complete each deliverable. This is a rough estimate to help gauge the total time expected to complete all media deliverables for the project. Not all media deliverables may be achievable within the allotted dev hours for the project. See Project Types & Priorities
Link From Instructor
Attach any link(s) to content provided by the instructor to content used for building media deliverables
MMD Notes
Notes captured from start to finish that document what is needed for completion of media deliverables
Course Location
The exact location where the deliverable is to be added to the course
Asset Title
The proper title of the deliverable to be used in the course
Final Link
Link to deliverable to be used in the course
Link Added to BP
A checked box indicates that Final Link of deliverable has been added to the appropriate location in Blueprint by IDC
Media Status
Media status for each deliverable will be updated using the following as work progresses
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Status | ||
Media Deliverables added (week 4 or sooner)
Status colour Blue title To Do MMDs add media deliverables agreed upon with the instructor in the scoping meeting
All deliverables should include a proper title, any original content links from the instructor, a course location, and notes that help with the creation of the deliverable
Once deliverable items have been established, faculty can update titles, original content links, locations, or notes as requested by MMD
Media Asset In Production
Status colour Yellow title In Progress Once content is delivered by the instructor, MMD gets to work on creating the final asset
Notes will be updated along the way documenting progress on each deliverable
Note | ||||
Media deliverables still awaiting content from instructors by week 12 should be
Media Asset Reviewed
Status colour Red title Review MMD will add ‘Final Link’ for deliverable and tag IDC and Instructor with item ‘ready for review’
IDC adds the ‘Final Link’ to the proper Blueprint location and checks ‘Link Added to BP’ box for item
If marked after CDD cycle:
Master courses: MMD is responsible for building items in the course
Faculty and Program courses: Faculty or MMD is responsible for building in the course
Media Asset Finished
Status colour Green title DONE Once deliverables are officially reviewed and approved by faculty, Media Status is updated to
Status colour Green title DONE
Media Asset Canceled
Status title Canceled Media deliverables still awaiting content from instructors by week 12 should be
by MMDStatus title Cancelled Faculty is responsible for creating and building items in course