MMD: Lane Donovan
Program Contact: Ally Daniels
College: College of Business and Economics (COBE)
About OMBA
OMBA Course Descriptions
Media Assets
Banners + Course Cards
Video Files://cifs-prd-01/eCampusVideo/Courses/OMBA
Bumper://cifs-prd-01/eCampusVideo/Courses/OMBA/_Program Assets/Bumper
Bumper Examples Course Introduction
Course: OMBA - Ben Quintana’s course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Leadership Video
Course: OMBA - Brian O’Marrow's course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Week 2 - Overview
Course: OMBA - Christ Suciu's course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Week 7 Wrap-Up Video
Course: OMBA - Nicole Cundiff's course material
Media Type: In-studio teleprompter video
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Graphics Lower Thirds
Location: eCampus Video (shared) > L3_RS_Extreme
Media Type: Callout motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Module Breakdown
Location: OMBA > Module 1 Animation, through Module 4 Animation
Media Type: Callout motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Quotation
Location: OMBA > Quotation Animation
Media Type: Callout motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Transition into b-roll
Location: eCampus video (shared) > Trans_DiagLineWipe_TwoColor-Blue
Media Type: Transitional motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Course Introduction Example 3
Location: eCampus video (shared) > Trans_Circle_2Color-Blue_1sec
Media Type: Transitional motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan
Title: Assignments
Location: OMBA > List Animation
Media Type: Text motion graphic
Multimedia Developer: Lane Donovan