ID-Assist Overview and Resources

ID-Assist Overview and Resources

Tool: ID-Assist

Deployment: Extension in Google Docs

AI System: ChatGPT (Currently 4.0)

Focus: Instructional Design

Limitations: Specific amount of content can be input (12,000 words a day) every 24 hours. In addition to the text that you highlight in the Google Doc, ID-Assist sends contextual information and that also takes up tokens. 

Workaround - ‘share’ option in tool resets tokens, for now. 


Appears Designed For: Independent instructional designers who are given large amounts of material and are creating web modules for companies. 

Additional Materials from the ID-Assist Workshop

  • AI Image Generation 101 - how to use ID-Assist to generate images, and helpful ideas on specific ways to frame prompts with image generators. 

  • AI Tools for L&D - PDF slideshow of different AI tools in fall 2023 that can be used for different instructional design phases, including multimedia. Lots of interesting resources here. 

  • Custom Prompts - A kind of framework for prompt engineering. Basically you can reply back to the AI with a prompt or change your original prompt, but often the original prompt does not give you want you want, and getting effective information often takes several prompts. 

  • ID-Assist - Prompt Structure - Example - An example of what ID-Assist gives ChatGPT along with whatever prompt we give it. Essentially ID-Assist gives it additional information, giving ChatGPT a role and parameters. The specific paragraphs and sections refer to aspects of ChatGPT itself. 

  • Prompt Engineering - Some good contextual prompts / variations to consider when writing prompts. 

  • ID-Assist Template Prompts that the tool uses

  • Original 5 workshops Notes

  • Homemade ID Prompts - Based on what ID-Assist’s approach, prompts used to generate content from a course design map.

Privacy and Confidentiality Notice (as supplied via email 11/9/23 to Hans from ID-Assist)

“Please be informed that ID-Assist respects and prioritizes the privacy and confidentiality of your source content and the output generated through the tool. We want to assure you that neither ID-Assist nor the 3rd Party AI APIs store, view, or utilize your content in any way. All the information and content you provide during the usage of ID-Assist remains confidential and proprietary to you. Your trust and privacy are of utmost importance to us. If you have any concerns or questions regarding privacy, please feel free to reach out to our support team.”