Example Canvas Technical Instructions

This article content sample instructions for students when they will be required to copy, link, or share Google Docs. These instructions are provided as examples only. They are not meant to address every potential scenario. Feel free to use them as a guide and edit them for your own course needs. If your course is a part of a fully online program, please refer to the program specifications and activity directions.


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Laura Bullard
September 25, 2023

@Noreen Beckie You might be a better person to chime in here.

Noreen Beckie
September 25, 2023

Laura W is going to handle it

Laura Widenor
September 25, 2023

I think what we need to do is go through each of these and see if they have current enough content. As this is the Connector, it is good for us to have faculty-facing instructions. I honestly don’t know which are correct or not, so we can either delist them all and work through them and republish, or we can let them be as-is and slowly update. I think we have clarified with the IDCs that this section is not the most up to date and we recommend going to the Activity Directions template.