Multimedia Developer assigns project to Multimedia Student Assistant, make a Trello card, assign the MMSA to a task in Quickbase
MMSA makes a rough draft(s) and shares draft(s) with MMD for review. Design files in drive
MMD gives feedback then MMSA goes and makes changes, sharing the next draft for review with MMD. If video, replace the file in the panopto link.
MMD shares with instructor and IDC for review
MMD shares feedback from instructor/IDC with MMSA
MMSA makes more changes (or MMD takes over to complete)
Changes made (If video, replace the file in the panopto link) and submitted to MMD team and instructor/IDC for final review
Final changes made or if approved, added to final location
MMSA marks project done in Quickbase
Make sure final version and design files are in drive
App links