Compressing Stock Photos In Banners
Since .svg files are made with code and are similar to a web page, it is important to compress any images for the web before using them in your design. (Otherwise, it can take forever to load the banner in the course.)
Step 1:
Open the image in Photoshop
Step 2:
For Mac: Press CMD+OPT+SHFT+S on the keyboard
For Windows: Press ALT+SHFT+CTRL+S on the keyboard
Step 3:
If the Image doesn’t have a transparent background:
Save the image as a JPEG and Resize it down to at least 1200px wide
Note: If the Image has a transparent background, make sure to save it as PNG-24 instead of JPEG to preserve the transparent background and keep the file size low
Step 4:
Click Save.
Once it is saved, your image will have a significantly lower file size, but still maintain its high-quality look. It is ready to be used in your banner design.