H5P / Pressbooks
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All H5P content is now kept on the eCampusvideo Pressbooks account using “Books” for each course. Using books allows us to keep each course's H5P content better organized and separate from other course interactives, making sharing access with instructors easier to manage.
See https://talk.confluence.boisestate.edu/wiki/x/QAUhfQ for setting up H5P in Pressbooks.
Boise State
Authentic Materials and Digital Humanities Sites
Introduction and Acknowledgements
eCampus Multimedia Team
Ecampusvideo's Catalogue Page | Pressbooks
Multimedia Team Sandbox | Interactives - examples in Canvas
eCampus H5P - Petting Zoo Dashboard (OLD Location, DO NOT use for new interactives)
Additional Resources
H5P Evaluation Checklist (Version 1).docx
Lumi- Lumi desktop app to create and edit H5P modules