New Programs/Courses
This article walks through the Media Team’s process for programs/courses that have never worked with us before.
Step 1 - Determining New Programs - This document tracks all the programs/courses that have worked with our team and already established media templates for other courses to use
If a course prefix is not found under column A, it is new to our team and will need to be added and a Lead MMD assigned
Use TEMPLATE (MM Team Course Specs) to create a new KB Spec page
Step 2 - Creating New Banner Templates
Communicate with the faculty developer that you will want to work with the program lead to establish a banner template to be used for this course and others going forward.
Banners and Course Cards Reference this article on best practices
Create New Banner Templates This will walk you through how to create a new banner template
Step 3 - Creating New Program Bumper
See Bumpers
Related article Course Specs