2D Animation Examples
2D animation examples created by eCampus Center’s Multimedia Team.
Created for UF 100
Title: UF 100 Introduction
Instructor: Candyce Reynolds
Location: Multimedia Studio
MM Team Production Lead: Arlie Sommer
Animator: Beth Schneiderman
Total Development Time: 40 hrs
Created for IPS 301Prior Learning Portfolio Development
Title: Prior Learning Portfolio Components
Instructor: Baker Lawley
Location: Multimedia Studio, on Zoom
MM Team Production Lead: Arlie Sommer
Animator: Chris Dahrens
Total Development Time: 40 hrs
Created for SOCWRK 521 HBSE II Social Dimensions of Human Behavior
Title: Perspectives, Theories, and Models
Instructor: Nicky O'Reilly
MM Team Production Lead: Arlie Sommer
Animator: Beth Schneiderman (Multimedia Student Assistant)
Total Development Time: 150 hrs
Created for Organization Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL) by eCampus Center Multimedia Team
Course: Workplace Performance Improvement (OPWL 560)
Instructor: Ria Roy
Multimedia Developer and Production Lead: Arlie Sommer
Animator: Beth Schneiderman (Multimedia Student Assistant)
Total Development Time: 50 hrs
Created for Business Management (BUSMGT) by eCampus Center Multimedia Team
Course: Negotiation and Conflict Management
Instructor: Sam C. Ehrlich
Multimedia Developer: Dan Rogers
Total Development Time: 20 hrs.
Created for Business Management (BUSMGT) by eCampus Center Multimedia Team
Course: Negotiation and Conflict Management
Instructor: Sam C. Ehrlich
Multimedia Developer: Dan Rogers
Total Development Time: 20 hrs.