Moving Panopto Videos

Moving Panopto Videos

Any videos that we help with for online courses must be moved into the eCampusvideo Panopto account. This is both to provide captioning services and to maintain proper organization for online courses.

Step 1 - Creator Access

‘Creator’ access must first be given to eCampusvideo@boisestate.edu for us to be able to move videos.

Refer instructors to https://boisestateecampus.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JFS/pages/555384837/Sharing+Panopto+Videos if needed.

Step 2 - Create Course Folder

Create or verify a course folder has been created for the videos you are moving to the eCampusvideo Panapto account.

  1. Be sure you are logged into the eCampusvideo Panopto account. See

under Course Videos in the appropriate folder.

For example, if you are moving videos for OPWL 597.

Step 3 - Open Shared Folder

Navigate to the shared folder of videos using either a shared folder link or using the Panopto browse window from the left-hand nav.

You can type the name of the folder in the search field, or twirl down Users, twirl down the specific user folder, and click the folder you are looking for. Depending on the nesting of folders you may have to twirl down several times.


Step 4 - Move Videos