MSA Expectations

MSA Expectations

Work Expectations for Multimedia Student Assistants (MSA)

Work Schedule

Schedules are created around class schedules each semester with the following in mind:

  • 20 hours per week, 8a-6p, M-F

  • work from the Yanke office

  • dressed business casual

Schedule adjustments can be made (e.g. test, project, vacation, etc.) as needed but in general, should be the same from week to week.

Google Calendar

  1. Your work calendar shows the schedule you will be working each week

    1. Any adjustments should be made before 8a Monday morning and communicated with the MM Team

  2. Meetings

    1. Check your calendar daily for meetings you’ve been invited to

    2. Accept or decline with reason using note (e.g. class, doctor appointment, etc), message organizer if needed

    3. If you miss the MM Team Meeting, check the agenda for what you missed

Email and Chat

  1. Monitor Email and Chat during work hours and respond as quickly as possible

    1. Enable notifications for Google Chrome

      Mac System Settings > Notifications > Google Chrome

      Windows Settings > Notifications & actions

  2. Check and respond to any emails at the beginning of your shift and throughout the day


  1. Log time spent on projects in QuickBase daily with accurate notes on what was done

    1. Times should closely match hours worked in PeopleSoft

  2. If you aren’t sure where to log time, ask the MM Team for help

    1. Trello can be used to keep track of hours on tasks temporarily


  1. Check and respond to any Trello messages at the beginning of your shift

  2. Add comments on Trello tasks to document progress or questions that arise

Time Logging

  1. The hours you worked are entered in PeopleSoft and submitted weekly

    1. Times entered should closely match the times you’ve logged for projects in Quickabase


  1. Check-in daily, during work hours, with MMD on items you are working on. This can be accomplished by

    1. Scheduling a meeting

    2. Using Google Chat

    3. Sending an Email

Weekly Wrap-Up

  1. Quickbase hours entered with notes on projects

  2. Email end-of-week summary to all MM Team members with a list of items for the following (Trello can help with this):

    1. Done - What tasks you’ve finished

    2. Doing - What tasks you are working on, what’s left to finish them, and when you expect to be done

    3. Need Review - Items needing review

    4. To Do - Tasks you’ve yet to start

  3. Check next week’s schedule is accurate before going home for the weekend

  4. Work hours entered and submitted in PeopleSoft

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