Media Scoping Meeting
MMDs meet with the faculty/client to discuss media needs and establish a list of multimedia deliverables and timelines using the course Creative Brief. Typically MMD will only be needed for first 20-30 minutes of scheduled 1-hour meeting. Additional meeting times may need to be scheduled to follow up on media discussed.
Meeting Prep
Give yourself 15-minutes beforehand to prep for meeting:
Creative Brief open and ready for note-taking
QB Task open to log time
Opening Questions
What are your course’s “big ideas”?
Which learning outcomes or topics do students tend to struggle with most?
Which concepts would be delivered more effectively in a visual or multimedia format?
Creative Brief
Media Milestones - key dates and deadlines of the media development timeline for faculty to be aware of
Itemized list of Media Deliverables with time estimates to complete
familiarity with this tool
schedule follow-up Panopto Consultation if needed
analytics - 75% of students stop watching videos after 3-4 minutes
Powerpoints (slide decks)
best practices
use widescreen format
we can help make PowerPoints look better
Canva - Free tool
Meeting Wrap-Up
Be sure to recap what you’ve discussed and what the next steps look like
Meeting Follow-Up
Send an email to meeting attendees re-capping what you’ve discussed and what the next steps look like. Include action items and deadlines
Schedule any needed follow-up meetings, times for film shoots, etc.
See also Video Consultations